Tagged: Coaching

MuC MeetUP #4 Growing with GROW [Francesco Gallarotti via unsplash]

Growing with GROW: Guiding the learning journey with the GROW model | Mentoring under Construction

The GROW model provides a structured framework for coaching conversations and it is used to facilitate personal and professional development: With GROW you can help individuals clarify their objectives (goals), understand their current situation (reality), explore possibilities (options), and take effective action towards their goals (way forward). Read more

Mentoring and Coaching under Research | Cover Image

Mentoring and Coaching under Research | Insights

Mentoring and Coaching under Research (MCUR)explores the current mentoring and coaching practices within the European Solidarity Corps programme. The research provides insights into the current concepts, practices, challenges and needs concerning mentoring in Volunteering projects and coaching in Solidarity projects. Read more

Learn to be a Mentor. Resources [Ian Schneider via unsplash.com]

Learn to be a Mentor. Resources for Mentoring Volunteers

Mentoring is playing a key role in the support structure of volunteer opportunities organised within the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) Programme. “Learn to be a Mentor” provides a collection of resources for mentoring volunteers. This includes approaches, methods, tools and recommendations for mentors working with volunteers. Read more

Interkulturelle Beratung [Bruno Nascimento via unsplash.com]

Interkulturelles Know-How in der Beratung von Menschen mit Migrations- und mit Fluchtgeschichte

Die Weiterbildung “Interkulturelles Know-How in der Beratung von Menschen mit Migrations- und mit Fluchtgeschichte” zielt auf die Erweiterung des eigenen Beratungsansatzes durch die interkulturelle Perspektive. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Sensibilisierung für “Bruchstellen” im Beratungsprozess. Die Teilnehmer*innen haben Gelegenheit, Werkzeuge für die eigene Beratungspraxis kennenzulernen und auszuprobieren sowie den eigenen Ansatz auf seine Tauglichkeit in unterschiedlichen interkulturellen Kontexten kritisch zu hinterfragen. Read more

Meant 2 be a Mentor [cover image]

“Meant to be a Mentor”. Workbook for Mentors

The “Meant to be a Mentor” workbook is a practical guide for EVS mentors working with their volunteer(s). Its content and activities guide mentors step by step through the whole EVS project cycle. Mentors can carry out the activities with their volunteers, reflect on their experience and share their good practise in an online community. Read more