My name is Michael Kimmig. I work as an intercultural trainer and coach, and as an online instructor and facilitator.
Intercultural communication and cooperation, international voluntary service and international youth work are in the centre of my personal and professional everyday life. Since 2000 I have been living and working in a foreign country. Both in work and private life, I keep changing between different work contexts and cultures.

An invitation for change
I am fascinated by the various journeys individuals take when they change course and manage all kinds of transitions: going abroad to another country or working in an interculturally mixed team, entering into a new personal or professional life, changing the living or working context, etc.
Developing competence. Creating solutions.
Managing change means to face and overcome challenges and to find creative solutions. Developing personal and professional competence empowers and enables individuals to change course and manage transitions.
I work solution-oriented, future-oriented and resource-oriented. I focus on solutions (rather than problems), future (rather than looking at the past) and resources (rather than deficits).
I mainly focus on the following competence areas…
1. Developing Intercultural Competence
I train and coach individuals and teams, who are confronted in their work with different cultural communication and work styles, perspectives and ways of working, attitudes and values. Decoding the cultural backgrounds of (one’s own and others’) behaviour, as well as understanding the dynamics of intercultural encounters are the main aspects of successful intercultural communication and cooperation. This enables individuals and teams not only to be more effective in intercultural settings, but also to to experience this as enrichment.
2. Developing Youth Work Competence
Professional youth work competence on an international level is a key for successful work with young people. This includes first of all knowledge about exchange programmes, e.g. how to apply for fundings, how to organise and manage international youth projects and how to design a pedagocical concept and develop appropriate activities for interculturally mixed groups. It involves practical knowledge and skills on how to carry out intercultural projects and how to initiate and facilitate intercultural learning of young people. And last, but not least, it means to develop and extend one’s own intercultural awareness and competence.
3. Developing Online Learning Competence
Not long ago I discovered on-line learning as my new passion. It includes the opportunity to strengthen personalized and individualized learning and combine it with interactive internet technologies. My mission is to create on-line learning spaces that allow everyone to connect, engage and collaborate. Any time. From anywhere…
About this Blog
I write about Living and Working abroad, International Youth Work and Voluntary Work as well as Intercultural, Non-formal and Life-Long Learning. I cover various topics that I believe are closely related to the fields:
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