Tagged: Language learning
We never take advantage of the whole repertoire of vocabulary of a language when we communicate. In everyday life conversations we use around 2000 words. From a language learning point of view, it’s very efficient to know these 2000 words to be able to understand most of the communication around you. Read more
Learn Polish Online. Polish is spoken by 50 million people, making it the 20th most spoken language in the world. This blog post shows you several platforms as well as mobile apps to start learning and improving your Polish (or any other language) NOW! Read more
Where do you stand? What is your level of English language competence? – To find out about this, we would like to introduce you to the “Language Passport”. The Language Passport is a tool to assess and document your proficiency in different languages at a given point in time. Read more
“The Language of Trade Marks” is an on-line course directed to patent attorneys who would like to develop their English language skills in the context matter of Community Trade Marks (CTM).