Category: Learning & Development
Where do you stand? What is your level of English language competence? – To find out about this, we would like to introduce you to the “Language Passport”. The Language Passport is a tool to assess and document your proficiency in different languages at a given point in time. Read more
“The Language of Trade Marks” is an on-line course directed to patent attorneys who would like to develop their English language skills in the context matter of Community Trade Marks (CTM).
Nonverbale Kommunikation spielt in der Kommunikation eine wichtige Rolle. Hier sind zwei Beiträge von Karim El-Gawhary (freier Journalist) und Anis Hamadeh (Flüchtlingsberater) zu den gebräuchlichsten Gesten in der Arabischen Welt. Read more
Games and activities for kids, children and youth with and without special needs. Ideas and resources for (International) Youth Work. Read more
Das Verständnis von Kultur und interkulturellem Lernen reflektieren und diskutieren: Von welchem Kulturbegriff gehe ich aus? Welche Inhalte gehören für mich zum interkulturellen Lernen? Welche Ziele möchte ich damit erreichen? Read more
International Youth Work Resources – A list of my publications in English, Polish and German. Useful resources for working with interculturally mixed groups in the fields of International Youth Work and International Voluntary Service. Read more