Tagged: Youth Work

HOP Crash Course 2023 - A smooth start with online learning [Priscilla du Preez via unsplash]

A Smooth Start With Online Learning | HOP Crash Course 2023

HOP Crash Course 2023 is a blended online training, that combines an online course, an in-person training and a series of live events. The training covered quality aspects of non-formal online learning and the implementation on the HOP Online Learning platform. Between April and July 2023, 27 participants went through a process of planning and designing online courses. The HOP Crash Course 2023 was organised by SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus and the Helenic National Agency. Read more

How to talk about war and peace. Resources

How to talk about war and peace. Resources

Addressing the topic of war is quite a challenge, especially if working with interculturally mixed groups. Like many other facilitators, trainers and youth workers we experience(d) in our work various difficulties addressing this topic and at the same time making space for learning. This blog post gathers various resources: articles and podcasts, an online course as well as various links. Read more

How to talk about war [Cover design by Dagna Gmitrowicz]

How to talk about war. Facilitating learning in the face of crisis

“How to talk about war” is about how to face crisis situations and make it a topic in non-formal education events, especially if you work with interculturally mixed and transnational groups. Together with Dagna Gmitrowicz and Marta Brzezińska-Hubert we tried out and put together various ways to bring the topic of war to non-formal education and search mutually for ways to handle it within our workshops, seminars and training courses. This small publication is a work-in-progress and an attempt to find first answers and practical ways to talk about war in a non-formal setting. Read more

Mentoring under Construction | Image: Andreea Buzec

Moving on! Mentoring under Construction | 2021

Mentoring under Construction is a community for mentoring practitioners within the European Solidarity Corps programme. Mentoring under Construction aims at identifying, adapting and implementing good practices on mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps programme. It is also a process to build and develop this community. After launching in 2020, the community moved on with it’s activities online. Read more

Austausch ONline Wymiany ONline [Nick Fewings via unsplash.com]

3… 2… 1… Austausch ONline! Szenarien für Online-Begegnungen

Wie können deutsch-polnische Jugendbegegnungen in der virtuellen Welt umgesetzt werden? Wie kann ich den Online Austausch vorbreiten? Welche digitalen Tools sind dafür notwendig? Wie kann ich den Austausch online mit non-formalen und partizipativen Methoden gestalten? Was muss ich bei der Durchführung beachten? – Die Szenarien und Materialien des Deutsch-Polnischen Jugendwerks helfen bei der Umsetzung. Read more