How to talk about war and peace. Resources

Addressing the topic of war is quite a challenge, especially if working with interculturally mixed groups. Like many other facilitators, trainers and youth workers we experience(d) in our work various difficulties addressing this topic and at the same time making space for learning. This blog post gathers various resources: articles and podcasts, an online course as well as various links.
How to talk about the war. Facilitating learning in the face of crisis
by Dagna Gmitrowicz, Marta Brzezińska-Hubert and Michael Kimmig, Self-published, Berlin, Poznan, Warsaw, March 2022
Trainings in diesen Zeiten – wie spricht man eigentlich über den Krieg?
Interview mit Michael Kimmig, Marco Heuer für Jugend für Europa, 27.04.2022
How to talk about war / peace
Podcast with Andreea Buzek, Dagna Gmitrowicz and Michael Kimmig provided by Mentoring under Construction
How to tackle war-related topics in non-formal learning
Talking Youth Work Podcast. Conversation with Michael Kimmig, Anita Silva and Sara Caetano. Available on Apple/iTunes, Spotify and Windows/Podbean
Online Course
Talking about war and peace. Facilitating learning in times of crisis | Online Course
“Talking about war and peace” is a self-paced online course provided by SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus. It guides you through a process of reflection and practical activities on how to approach this topic in your work, locally or in transnational events. Course authors: Michael Kimmig and Marta Brzezińska-Hubert
Additional resources
Talking about war and peace | Resources
A collection of resources from the online course “Talking about war and peace. Facilitating learning in times of crisis”.
Facilitating learning in times of crisis | Resources
A selection of the online course resources on a padlet board.