Category: Volunteering Abroad
Publikacja“Meant to be a Mentor” jest praktycznym przewodnikiem dla mentorów wolontariatu. Zawiera gotowe pomysły i modele wsparcia wolontariuszy w projektach Wolontariatu Europejskiego / Europejski Korpus Solidarności w ramach Programu Erasmus +. Read more
The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) programme is an initiative from European Union which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer and/or work in projects that benefit communities and people around Europe. The programme is offering volunteer and occupational activities that support a non-governmental organisation (NGO), local authority or private company in addressing challenging situations across the European Union. Read more
Charakteristisch für internationale Workcamps ist ihr spezifischer pädagogischer Ansatz, einer Kombination aus Arbeit, Studienteil und Freizeitgestaltung. Dadurch unterscheiden sie sich deutlich von anderen Formen internationaler Jugendbegegnungen. Zwei weitere Elemente sind die Selbstorganisation und das am Workcampalltag orientierte interkulturelle Lernen. Read more
Jedes Jahr viele Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit Freiwilligenarbeit ihren Urlaub. Internationale Workcamps erlauben Jugendlichen, neue Menschen kennenzulernen, Eindrücke und Erfahrungen über andere Länder zu sammeln und eine soziale Initiative mit ihrem Engagement zu unterstützen. Read more
The “Meant to be a Mentor” workbook is a practical guide for EVS mentors working with their volunteer(s). Its content and activities guide mentors step by step through the whole EVS project cycle. Mentors can carry out the activities with their volunteers, reflect on their experience and share their good practise in an online community. Read more
“The undiscovered country” is about learning through experience during European Voluntary Service and introduces our three main topics. These topics are explored in the following three chapters “Future“, “Personal development“ and “Managing change“, both from a more or less “theoretical” and from a practical point of view. Thoughts, ideas, outlines of methods and tools may serve as an inspiration for how to work on this topic during EVS seminars and meetings. Read more