Category: Learning & Development

MuC MeetUP #4 Growing with GROW [Francesco Gallarotti via unsplash]

Growing with GROW: Guiding the learning journey with the GROW model | Mentoring under Construction

The GROW model provides a structured framework for coaching conversations and it is used to facilitate personal and professional development: With GROW you can help individuals clarify their objectives (goals), understand their current situation (reality), explore possibilities (options), and take effective action towards their goals (way forward). Read more

HOP Crash Course 2024 | Image: Priscilla du Preez via

HOP Crash Course for trainers and facilitators of online learning | Call for participants

HOP Crash Course is a blended online training, that combines an online course elements with a series of online live events about bringing your first course online. The course covers quality aspects of non-formal online learning and the implementation on the HOP Online Learning platform. Read more

MuC MeetUP #1 [Andy Hu via unsplash]

How to plan ahead with your volunteer | Mentoring under Construction

Goal setting and action planning – once volunteers have arrived and become more acquainted with their work, the organisation and the local environment, it is time to make plans: How to help volunteers to set goals and action steps towards them? How can you support them to overcome obstacles? How can you keep them accountable? What strategies and tools can you use for goal setting and action planning? Read more

Building Emotional Resilience | Image: Fabian Kleiser via

Building Emotional Resilience | Mentoring under Construction

Volunteers and colleagues, friends and families, but also we experience difficult moments in life, face challenges, get stuck and struggle in moving forward. In such moments it is crucial to be well-equipped and resourceful to cope with them in order to get unstuck, go ahead and thrive again. Key to this is building emotional resilience, the ability to “bounce back’. Read more