Talking about war and peace. Facilitating learning in times of crisis | Online Course

“Talking about war and peace” is a self-paced online course that guides you through a process of reflection and practical activities on how to approach this topic in your work, locally or in transnational events.
How to facilitate learning in times of war and crisis?
M any facilitators, trainers and youth workers experience various difficulties addressing this topic, especially working with interculturally mixed groups.Indeed, talking about war and peace is a challenge. This online course helps to face this challenge. The activities and reflections guide you through a process of self-reflection and clarification and they introduce tools that can be applied working with young people locally or in transnational events.
The course flow is based on the transnational seminar “How to talk about war? – Working with young people in times of war crisis”, and gathers various materials and tools from other events which took part 11-16 of July 2022 in Toruń, Poland. The seminar offered a space to reflect on how to talk with young people about the war, its consequences and how it affects our lives. And it inspired participants to take small actions and be impactful in their work as facilitators, trainers or youth workers. This online course also includes content from another residential event in Poland: “Social Inclusion of Young Refugees”, a training course from 27 till 30 September 2022 in Gdańsk.
The “Talking about war and peace” Online course
This online course attempts to guide you through a similar process as the programme flow of the transnational seminar. This means it follows the blueprint of the seminar. In a way, you will be able to go through a similar process of activities and reflection.
Probably, you are going through this course alone. This course is not facilitated and does not really offer the opportunity to interact with others online. However, you will be able to compare your own thoughts and reflections with those from the seminar’s participants. In that way the outcomes of the seminar will enrich your perspective on this topic.
This course aims at preparing and supporting you facing this challenge. The activities and reflections guide you through a process of self-clarification and introduces tools to work with young people locally or in transnational events.
Course content
Therefore, if it comes to how to facilitate learning in times of war and crisis we focus in this course on three areas:
On the personal level it’s all about you as a facilitator, trainer and youth worker: how can you prepare yourself and prepare a safe space for yourself and the people you work with. (Module 1)
Second, it’s about you, the young people you work with and the question of how to facilitate the learning process of individuals and groups in the context of war and crises (Module 2). This includes various approaches and tools on how to do this. We also prepared a small toolbox for you (Module 3)
Finally, it’s about you, your community and small actions that can be implemented by and in your community. This starts with your group of young people as a mini community as well as the local community you and/or your young people are living in. (Module 4)
At the end of this course you receive a HOP Certificate stating your participation in this course.
At one glance…
Course authors: Marta Brzezińska-Hubert and Michael Kimmig
Content contributions: Dagna Gmitrowicz, Yuliya Ielfimova and Tomasz Szopa (trainers team “How to talk about war?”) & Kasia Błasińska and Julia Dem (trainers team “How to talk about war?”)
Course organisers and contributors: The course is organised and provided by the SALTO Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre. Contributed to it has the Polish National Agencies of Erasmus+ and of the European Solidarity Corps programmes.
Course duration: self-paced (approx. 3-4 hours / module)
Course language: English
Target group: facilitators, trainers, youth workers
Requirements: none
Learning recognition: HOP Certificate
Read more…
New! How to tackle war-related topics in non-formal learning, Talking Youth Work Podcast
How to talk about war and peace. Resources, BlogPost
How to talk about war. Facilitating learning in the face of crisis, Mini-publication