Mentoring and Coaching under Research | Infographic

Mentoring and Coaching under Research Insights [infographic]
Mentoring and Coaching under Research Insights | infographic

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Mentoring and Coaching under Research

Mentoring and Coaching under Research (MCUR) was carried out in 2022 and is part of the strategic initiative Mentoring under Construction, initiated by the SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre together with the Romanian National Agency for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. The initiative aims at building an international community of practitioners that support the development of quality in mentoring in the European Solidarity Corps programme.

The report addresses core issues like understanding mentoring and coaching, mentoring/coaching in practice, the contribution of mentoring/coaching to the project’s impact, quality in mentoring/coaching, mentor/coach competences, inclusion through mentoring/coaching, etc.

The MCuR research has been conducted by a team of three international experts, Corina Pintea, Marzena Ples and Darko Markovic, and has been supported by SALTO European Solidarity Corps and National Agencies from Romania, Austria and France.

Mentoring and Coaching under Research | Insights

Insight #1: Seek Clarity

  • Clarify the role and responsibilities of a mentor and a coach
  • Develop a competence framework
  • Set clear and agreed ethical principles for mentoring and coaching.

Insight #2: A Mentoring System

  • Inspire a shift from a mentor to a mentoring system.

Insight #3-5: Sustaining Motivation

  • Know the obstacles that you are facing.
  • Learning (still) trumps money!
  • Different motivational factors for juniors and seniors

Insight #6: Recognition Matters

Insight #7: Ensure Inclusion

  • Reinforced mentorship needs additional competences and qualification for mentors and coaches

Insight #8: Strengthen Partnerships

  • Create spaces and structures for long-term partnerships between the inclusion-focused organisations

Insight #9-10: Ensure Quality

  • Poor quality is easy to spot.
  • Good quality is hard to get

Insight #11: Embrace Solidarity

  • Linking mentoring and coaching as support measures with the solidarity impact of the project

Insight #12-13: Needs & Resources

  • Similar needs, but different learning opportunities.
  • Face-to-face as an antidote for digital fatigue.

Insight #14: To-Do List

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Mentoring and Coaching under Research | Insights | BlogPost

Mentoring and Coaching under Research | Infographic (pdf)


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