“Meant to be a Mentor”. Workbook for Mentors

Meant 2 be a Mentor [cover image]
Meant 2 be a Mentor

The “Meant to be a Mentor” workbook is a practical guide for EVS mentors working with their volunteer(s). Its content and activities guide mentors step by step through the whole EVS project cycle. Mentors can carry out the activities with their volunteers, reflect on their experience and share their good practise in an online community.

M entors play a significant role in Voluntary Work. In European Voluntary Service (EVS) / Erasmus+ Volunteering Activities or European Solidarity Corps (ESC), projects they help volunteers from abroad finding their way around the village/city, introduce them to the local community, help to orientate themselves in and adapt to a new culture, mediate in difficult situations at work and guide them through their learning process.

Meant to be a Mentor is addressed to mentors. It is designed as a workbook and meant to serve as a practical guide for the work with your volunteer(s). It guides through the different stages of a volunteer.

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English: Meant 2 be a Mentor. Workbook
Meant to be a mentor Podręcznik

Meant to be a Mentor – The Idea

Meant to be a Mentor. A practical guide for mentors working with volunteers | #mentoring #voluntarywork #free #ebook Share on X

The content of this publication is based on a Polish-Lithuanian Blended Training Course “Meant to be a Mentor”. This long-term training course guided mentors step by step through the whole EVS project cycle. The design and our experience gained are described in our M2beaM Report

The coaching approaches and tools proposed in this brochure have been developed and tested within the European Voluntary Service (EVS). They are also suitable for mentors working with volunteers in other volunteering programme with a similar structure. If you would like to use them in your work (as a youth worker, social worker, teacher, educator, etc.), you might have to adopt certain things according to your specific needs and situations.

What’s inside? – Content overview

  1. Pictures of EVS – Picturing EVS
  2. EVS as a process of change
  3. My role as a mentor
  4. CLEAR meetings
  5. Exploring possibilities, taking action
  6. Supporting the learning of the volunteer
  7. Mentors for mentors – Peer support
  8. Meant to be a Mentor Blended Training Course
  9. Resources – Links and literature

Every chapter is divided into several parts:

  • a chapter outline and overview,
  • a brief introduction into the main content,
  • a suggestion for one or more activities that you can carry out and practise mentoring skills,
  • a few questions that help you to review your experience, and
  • a list of useful resources.

Join the Mentoring under Construction Community!

If you are carrying out the activities and have the chance to share and reflect on your experience with someone else, great. Otherwise (or additionally!) join our Facebook Community “Mentoring under Construction”: Connect with other mentors and share your experience and recommendations.

At one glance…

Meant to be a Mentor. Workbook for EVS Mentors
Meant to be a Mentor. Workbook for EVS Mentors

The “Meant to be a Mentor” workbook is a practical guide for EVS mentors working with their volunteer(s). Its content and activities guide mentors step by step through the whole EVS project cycle. Mentors can carry out the activities with their volunteers, reflect on their experience and share their good practise in an online community.

Kimmig, Michael (2015): Meant to be a Mentor. Workbook for EVS Mentors; Foundation for the Development of the Education System / Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji, Warsaw, Warszawa

*This publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Polish: Meant to be a mentor Podręcznik dla mentorów wolontariatu

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