Developing Intercultural Awareness and Competence
“Między Innymi” (engl. “Among Others”) aims at developing intercultural awareness and competence of future teachers, educators, youth and social workers and bringing Intercultural and Non-Formal Education to Higher Education Institutions. The initiative started 2010 in Poland and is a joint initiative between the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) and the German-Polish Youth Office (PNWM). Read more
How can we have an impact in what is happening in Europe? How can we participate and shape democratic procedures? – a collection of various information and resources on European Parliament and how to get actively involved in mobilising others for the European Parliament Elections 2019.
How can we have an impact in what is happening in Europe? How can we participate and shape democratic procedures? The seminar “My Vote – My Impact!” addresses current European challenges and future questions in the context of the 2019 elections for European Parliament.
Seminarium wymiany dobrych praktyk i dzielenia się rezultatami Partnerstw strategicznych w sektorze szkolnictwa wyższego
European Programmes provide various non-formal learning experience: youth exchanges, youth initiatives and volunteering activities. These activities are based on learning through experience, which gives young people an opportunity to develop competences and one’s own personality. A perfect preparation for an unknown future. Read more
Learn Polish Online. Polish is spoken by 50 million people, making it the 20th most spoken language in the world. This blog post shows you several platforms as well as mobile apps to start learning and improving your Polish (or any other language) NOW! Read more