Developing Intercultural Awareness and Competence
Spending a long time in front of the screen during online workshops and trainings can be very tiring. Online energizers can help to maintain attention and engagement of participants. They help to keep the energy up. And they can be very fun. Read more
Spending a long time in front of the screen during online workshops and trainings can be very tiring. Online energizers can help to maintain attention and engagement of participants. They help to keep the energy up. And they can be very fun. “Online Energizers to Activate Your Group” is part of a series of blog post on online facilitation tools. Read more
Online Facilitation Reflections brings us back to re-think and re-invent what and how we are doing things as trainers and facilitators. In the blog post Using Space in Online Trainings we explored already how to use space in online trainings, and possibly turn those spaces into a online learning environment. Here we continue and have a look at informal space in online trainings. Read more
Going online brings us back to re-think and re-invent what and how we are doing things as trainers and facilitators. This article is circling around the question on how we can use space in online (live) trainings. Read more
Die Weiterbildung “Interkulturelles Know-How in der Beratung von Menschen mit Migrations- und mit Fluchtgeschichte” zielt auf die Erweiterung des eigenen Beratungsansatzes durch die interkulturelle Perspektive. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Sensibilisierung für “Bruchstellen” im Beratungsprozess. Die Teilnehmer*innen haben Gelegenheit, Werkzeuge für die eigene Beratungspraxis kennenzulernen und auszuprobieren sowie den eigenen Ansatz auf seine Tauglichkeit in unterschiedlichen interkulturellen Kontexten kritisch zu hinterfragen. Read more
In March 2020, within a couple of days transnational mobility events within the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps came to a full stop. Many organisations, trainers and facilitators asked themselves, how they are able to continue their work in times of lock-down and beyond. The idea of moving training activities online became very popular, however it takes a various considerations, before one is able to thrive online. Read more