HOP Crash Course for trainers and facilitators of online learning | Call for participants

Do you want to create your online course? – The HOP Crash Course for trainers and facilitators of online learning is a blended online training, that combines an online course elements with a series of online live events about bringing your first course online. The course covers quality aspects of non-formal online learning and the implementation on the HOP Online Learning platform. Between April and June 2025 selected participants can go through a process of exploring the learning management functionalities of the Moodle-based HOP platform while bringing their non-formal learning approach in line with online course design.
“It’s worth to participate in the course . You will learn a lot about designing online courses”
Course participant, 2022
After three online editions of our HOP Crash Course we are coming back to the original idea and offer it as a blended course. The aim of the course is twofold: to raise the understanding of what is quality in online learning activities within non-formal education in youth field as well as to discover the potential of HOP online learning platform.
Call for participants 2025 | SALTO
A smooth start with online learning
“The course is a good first step into the HOP platform. It contains practical tips and saves you time that you would spend exploring all the possibilities by yourself.”
Course participant, 2022
The course will enrich participants with understanding quality in online learning, specifically in the youth work field following principles of non-formal education. The course will make participants more confident to create online courses in various formats (blended and stand-alone online courses with small and big numbers of learners, facilitated and self-paced). The course will also make participants well acquainted with different possibilities to deliver online learning at HOP platform in an engaging, interactive and learner-centred way. Finally, the course will allow participants to build contacts and networking with other youth workers, trainers and organisations interested in online learning.
The process
The HOP Crash Course consists of the following online and residential activities:
15.04.2025, 16.00 – 18.00 CET Onboarding Meeting, online
- Welcome and get to know each other.
- Concept of the training course
- Introducing the online course “HOP plan, create, publish your first online course.”
29.04.2025, 15.00 – 16.30 CET Online Meeting
20.05.2025, 14.00 – 15.30 CET Online Meeting
- Quality in Online Learning
- Online Learning 101
- Check-in on the progress of the online course
02 June – 07 June 2025, 4 Days Residential Training in Greece
Reflections on learning in the “HOP plan, create, publish” online course, but smoothly changing role into Creators/Facilitators. We will discuss the quality criteria of non-formal online learning, introduce and explore functionalities of the HOP platform, experiment with course activities, design and implement a course module with interactive activities on HOP, and reflect on approaches to online course design.
25.06.2025, 16.00 – 18.00 CET, Follow-up & Evaluation Meeting, online
- Presentation of course projects
- Reflection of the design process
- Celebration and evaluation of the HOP Crash Course
In autumn, we will invite all participants to an informal online MeetUP 🙂
Participants profile
- trainers/facilitators/creators wanting to create online training and learning activities at HOP;
- NAs/SALTOs officers willing to support online learning;
- Youth workers
- Project Managers and Coordinators
Nerijus Kriauciunas and Michael Kimmig as facilitators. Tomek Szopa (SALTO EECA, HOP platform) and Apostolos Alexiadis (Hellenic National Agency) as coordinators.
Apply now!
Call for participants 2025 | SALTO
“By taking part in this course I could not only practically create, develop and publish my first HOP course, but also cooperate with and learn from other trainers and deepen my knowledge about learning theories and approaches. I was provided with a variety of digital tools and to practically try out the options that HOP platform offers. What is more, I felt supported and inspired by facilitators who were always eager to help and motivated me and my project group to progress with our course. If you would like to grow as trainer/facilitator/youth worker in a digital world, thanks to this course you will enjoy it and practically experiment with the HOP possibilities!”
Marta Brzezińska-Hubert
Check out reports from pervious editions
A Smooth Start With Online Learning | HOP Crash Course 2023
A Smooth Start With Online Learning | HOP Crash Course 2022