The undiscovered country. Future, Personal development and Managing change in the context of EVS trainings

“The undiscovered country” is about learning through experience during European Voluntary Service and introduces our three main topics. These topics are explored in the following three chapters “Future“, “Personal development“ and “Managing change“, both from a more or less “theoretical” and from a practical point of view. Thoughts, ideas, outlines of methods and tools may serve as an inspiration for how to work on this topic during EVS seminars and meetings.
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“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.” Kofi Annan V oluntary service is undoubtedly very valuable for society. Besides the aspect of service, within the EU programme European Voluntary Service (EVS) the individual learning process of volunteers has become more and more important.In our trainings and seminars we are looking for ways how to better support and empower volunteers both in volunteering and learning. In the past few years our discussions have often circled around three topics: future, personal development and managing change. With this brochure we are proud to share some of our ideas, approaches and tools for working with volunteers.
“The undiscovered country” is about learning through experience during European Voluntary Service and introduces our three main topics. These topics are explored in the following three chapters “Future“, “Personal development“ and “Managing change“, both from a more or less “theoretical” and from a practical point of view. Thoughts, ideas, outlines of methods and tools may serve as an inspiration for how to work on this topic during EVS seminars and meetings.

The undiscovered country. Learning through experience during EVS / Nieodkryty kraj. Uczenie się przez doświadczenie podczas EVS Dagna Gmitrowicz & Michael Kimmig
Future in the context of EVS trainings / Przyszłość w kontekście szkoleń EVS Tomek Lubotzki
Methods of working on the subject of future / 2.2. Metody pracy nad tematem przyszłości podczas szkolenia EVS Tomek Lubotzki
Development – the magic of life and non-formal education / Rozwój – magia życia i pozaformalnej nauki Dagna Gmitrowicz
How to create an environment conducive to development? / Jak tworzyć środowisko sprzyjające rozwojowi? Dagna Gmitrowicz
A conversation on managing change / Rozmowa o Zarządzaniu Zmianą Michael Kimmig & Eliza Zadłużna
Working with metaphors and stories / Praca z metaforami i opowieściami Michael Kimmig & Eliza Zadłużna
The effect of volunteering / Efekt Wolontariatu Dagna Gmitrowicz & Anna Wohlesser
Although „The undiscovered country” is mainly directed to EVS trainers who would like to work more on future, personal development and managing change it gives an interesting insight for everyone who is interested in the how these topics are addressed in our EVS seminars.

Bielska, Agnieszka, Kimmig, Michael and Miksiewicz, Melania (eds): The undiscovered country. Future, Personal development and Managing change in the context of EVS trainings; Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) | National Agency of the Youth in Action Programme, Warsaw 2013
*This publication has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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