Developing Intercultural Awareness and Competence

Accelerate - MUC 2022 [Image Andreea Buzec]

Accelerate! Mentoring under Construction 2022

Mentoring under Construction is a community for practitioners interesting in improving the quality of mentoring within the European Solidarity Corps programme. It is a process to build and develop this community. After a long period of online activities, the growth of Mentoring under Construction accelerated in 2022, it gained speed in identifying, adapting and implementing good mentoring practices. Read more

How to talk about war and peace. Resources

How to talk about war and peace. Resources

Addressing the topic of war is quite a challenge, especially if working with interculturally mixed groups. Like many other facilitators, trainers and youth workers we experience(d) in our work various difficulties addressing this topic and at the same time making space for learning. This blog post gathers various resources: articles and podcasts, an online course as well as various links. Read more

Youth Projects 101 [Val Vesa via unsplash]

International Youth Projects 101: Organising Youth Exchanges

Organising international youth projects is not a mission impossible. Bringing together your idea, some basic knowledge about project management and the regulations of a funding programme enables youth leaders, youth and social workers, teachers as well as young people to prepare for international youth exchanges, youth initiatives or seminar and training events. Read more

Ruth C Cohn - Das Konzept der Themenzentrierten Interaktion (TZI)

Pioniere der pädagogischen Gruppenarbeit. Ruth C. Cohn und das Konzept der Themenzentrierten Interaktion (TZI)

In der Arbeit mit und in Gruppen besteht themenzentriertes Arbeiten im Wesentlichen darin, das im Mittelpunkt stehende Thema und die Interaktion der Gruppenmitglieder so aufeinander zu beziehen, dass persönliches Wachstum in einem gemeinsamen Prozess lebendigen Lernens ermöglicht und gefördert wird. Das Konzept der Themenzentrierten Interaktion bietet dazu einen geeigneten pädagogischen Rahmen. Read more