Developing Intercultural Awareness and Competence

Intercultural Sensitivity in Vocational Orientation

Intercultural Sensitivity in Vocational Orientation. A long-term blended training programme

The qualification programme “Intercultural Sensitivity in Vocational Orientation” can be counted among the most extensive intercultural training courses in Germany. Between March 2016 and June 2017 more than 400 professionals from the field of vocational orientation were trained in long-term blended training course in their intercultural sensitivity and competence. Read more

Thoughts about Language: 7 Language Quotes

Thoughts about Language: Seven Language Quotes

Language is essential for communication. Through language we understand one another. This is not only true for intercultural encounters, but for everyday interactions between people in general. Learning another language extends our perspective and world view. Every new language extend our horizon, oour ways how we see and express ourselves. Read more

Online Learning Opportunities [Viktor Hanacek via]

Online Learning Opportunities | Learn Something New Anytime, Anywhere!

>The development of technology has a profound effect on society. It also effects the way we learn, broaden our knowledge and develop new skills: Online courses and so called MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have become more and more popular. Universities and educational institutions invested in online learning platforms and offer online learning opportunities, that allow us to engage in topics like computer science, programming, history, business, marketing, philosophy, psychology, meditation, self-development, and many more. Read more

Games and Activities [Autumn Goodman - unsplash]

Bring Your Group Work to Life. Games and Exercises for Children and Youth

Games and activities for children and youth are bringing your group work to life. They help breaking the ice, bringing people together and building a group, stimulate and increase curiosity and learning, strengthen interaction and communication, and many more things. Games and exercises reinforce learning through experiencing. Read more

Intercultural Learning - Balloons

Initiating and Facilitating Intercultural Learning in Youth Exchanges and Workcamps

What experiences during intercultural encounters can be used as opportunities for intercultural learning? What is special about them? What turns them into key-experiences? How can such opportunities be perceived and used to learn with and from one another? – This article brings together some ‘mosaic pieces’ from a wide range of theoretical reflections and practical experience. Read more