Developing Intercultural Awareness and Competence

Innovate Your Teaching in Higher Education | Seminar

Innovate Your Teaching in Higher Education | International Seminar

More than 50 people from various higher educational institutions around Europe met from 26.11.-29.11.2018 in Łódź, Poland to exchange experience and good practises on innovative teaching methods in Higher Education. They shared experience and tools as well as worked on future project ideas for strategic partnership activities within the European Erasmus+ Programme. Read more

European Solidarity Corps [Coley Christine via unsplash]

European Solidarity Corps: Volunteering Activities Abroad

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is an initiative from European Union which provides opportunities for young people to volunteer and/or work in projects that benefit people and communities around Europe. The programme is offering volunteer and occupational activities that support non-governmental organisations, local authorities or private companies in addressing challenging situations across the European Union. Read more