Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock?

Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock? [Image: Ylanite CC0 via Pixabay]

Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock? | Image: Ylanite via Pixabay


Living & Working Abroad

Check out “Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock?” | Skillshare Online Class here!

Living and working in another culture is a challenge, especially in the beginning!

There might be moments when you have no idea what is going on around you. You stumble from one misunderstanding straight to another and you might feel completely lost.

The easiest things may cost you an enormous amount of energy. Everything seems to be just weird and strange. You are tense, stressed, and tired of everything.

The people and culture around you throw you off balance. You feel terribly homesick and the first thing you would like to do is jump right on the next plane and fly home…

Sounds familiar? – If you found yourself in such moments, you probably experienced what is called a culture shock.


Dealing with Culture Shock | Online Course

Living and working in another culture is a challenge, especially in the beginning! | #cultureshock #onlinecourse Share on X

Have you ever felt lost in another country, not having any idea what is going on around you and people and culture throw you off balance? – “Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock?” walks you through the process of transition entering a new, unknown culture in order to live and work abroad.
In this online course you will:

  • explore and understand what is culture shock,
  • get to know the process of transition (acculturation) when you go abroad and settle in a new culture, and
  • learn useful strategies how to deal with acculturation stress and culture shock.

The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock?
  2. What is Culture Shock?
  3. Acculturation: The process of Transition
  4. Acculturation: The 4 Stages of Transition
  5. How to recognise Culture Shock?
  6. Dealing with Culture Shock
  7. Experience with Culture Shock | Class Project
  8. Sum up & Closing

This course is for anyone who is (or is about to be) living and working abroad: exchange students, volunteers, expat(riate)s and entrepreneurs, travelers and global nomads as well as their partners and kids.
At the end of this course…

  • You will be better prepared for culture shock experience and transition from a familiar into the new, unknown culture.
  • You will manage successfully the transition process and turn that transition process into a valuable learning experience.
  • You will see living and working abroad as an opportunity to learn something new about the other culture as well as your own.


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At one glance…
Title Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock?
Course Instructor Michael Kimmig
Language English
Length 8 Video Lessons | 21 Minutes
Published June 2018
Platform Skillshare* | Join here!
*Skillshare is an online learning platform with over 21,000 classes in design, business, tech, and more. Anyone can join the skillshare community to learn new skills, network with peers and discover new opportunities.


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“Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock?” | Skillshare Online Course



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Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock? [Andrew Krueger - unsplash]Going Abroad: How to deal with Culture Shock? [Ylanite CC0 - Pixabay]