Developing Intercultural Awareness and Competence
HOP Crash Course for trainers and facilitators of online learning is a blended online training, that combines an online course elements with a series of online live events about bringing your first course online. The course covers quality aspects of non-formal online learning and the implementation on the HOP Online Learning platform. Read more
Das Einsteigertraining “Jugendbegegnungen leicht gemacht” ermöglicht den Teilnehmer*innen, Jugendbegegnungen im Rahmen des Programms Erasmus+ Jugend in Aktion von der Idee über die Programmgestaltung bis hin zur Antragstellung zu planen. Read more
The Mentor’s Competence Framework for the European Solidarity Corps is developed by the Mentoring under Construction Community. This article walks you through the most updated version of the tasks and competences of the framework. Read more
At the end of their volunteering journey, many volunteers are about to enter another transition process from volunteering into a future career. Reflecting on one’s learning helps volunteers to become aware of many beautiful learning experience along their journey. But how to put these moments into writing? How to describe the learning outcomes in the language of competences? And how can this help later applying for jobs? Read more
Once a year, the Mentoring under Construction Community gathers mentors, project coordinators, authors, researchers, etc. who are passionate about mentoring in European Solidarity Corps projects for a Residential Event.This year the event took place in Athlone, Ireland and was meant to seek clarity! Read more
The GROW model provides a structured framework for coaching conversations and it is used to facilitate personal and professional development: With GROW you can help individuals clarify their objectives (goals), understand their current situation (reality), explore possibilities (options), and take effective action towards their goals (way forward). Read more
One of the core tasks of a mentor is supporting the learning and development of volunteers. It’s all about guiding the volunteers’ learning journey and supporting them to learn and grow both personally and professionally. How does this look practically? What are your experiences with supporting learning? What approaches and non-formal methods do you use? Read more
Goal setting and action planning – once volunteers have arrived and become more acquainted with their work, the organisation and the local environment, it is time to make plans: How to help volunteers to set goals and action steps towards them? How can you support them to overcome obstacles? How can you keep them accountable? What strategies and tools can you use for goal setting and action planning? Read more
Mentoring under Construction is a community of practitioners who share a passion for mentoring/coaching. This community supports learning, developing and growing mentoring and coaching competences and helps improving the quality of mentoring and coaching within the European Solidarity Corps programme (and beyond). “Step it UP!” is a review of Mentoring under Construction activities and events in 2023. Read more
Volunteers and colleagues, friends and families, but also we experience difficult moments in life, face challenges, get stuck and struggle in moving forward. In such moments it is crucial to be well-equipped and resourceful to cope with them in order to get unstuck, go ahead and thrive again. Key to this is building emotional resilience, the ability to “bounce back’. Read more
When it comes to developing mentoring competence, there are a lot of (micro-)skills like listening or asking questions that are easy to train and acquire. Other abilities are more complex in nature and take more time, effort and consistency to develop. Empathy is one of them. In our Mentoring under Construction MeetUP on empathy we explored, how we understand empathy in the context of mentoring and how we can develop empathy. Read more