My Vote – My Impact. Information and Resources for the European Parliament Elections 2019

My Vote - My Impact. [Imgage: Edu Lauton via]
Image: Edu Lauton via

How can we have an impact in what is happening in Europe? How can we participate and shape democratic procedures? – a collection of various information and resources on European Parliament and how to get actively involved in mobilising others for the European Parliament Elections 2019.

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.”
― Larry J. Sabato

From 18.-22.02.2019, 28 participants from 13 countries participated in “My vote – My impact. Europe behind the Scenes”. The four day seminar took place in Lultzhausen, Luxembourg and was founded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

In the context of the elections for European Parliament in May 2019, we discussed the current European challenges and developed ideas to increase the participation in the upcoming elections.

To get active and motivate more people, we collected various information and resources on European Parliament. We especially focussed on ideas and tools on how to get actively involved in mobilising others for the European Parliament Elections 2019 from 23.-26.05.2019.

  • European Parliament Elections 2019
  • Get involved: Tools & resources
  • European Parliament 101

European Parliament Elections 2019

General information about the 2019 elections for European Parliament you may find here: European Elections 2019

Access to elections & registration

Whether you life in your home country, another EU country or outside of EU, the following two sites provide information and guidelines how to enrol and register for the 2019 elections, especially if you want to vote while you are living and working abroad:

European Elections | European Union

Alternatively you may check information about the elections and registration procedures on web pages of your home country / country of residence.

Your political profile

Find your political match by VoteWatch Europe | This short quiz matches answers to 25 questions based on 25 decisions taken by the European Parliament since 2014 to come up with your political profile.

Information & news

European Election 2019 by Politico

EU Elections 2019 by EURACTIVE

European Parliament election 2019 by eurotopics. | European press roundup

European Election 2019 Monitor by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Get involved! Tools & resources

Image: Linus Nylund via
This time I´m voting! Are you? Spread the word! #EuropeanParliament #Elections2019 #thistimeimvoting Share on X

This time I’m voting!

#thistimeimvoting is a great initiative to take responsibility, get involved and start getting active. It is made for people who would like to do something more than just voting. It aims at mobilising people to get involved and help to persuade others to vote at the European Parliament Elections 2019. “When everybody votes, everybody wins.”.

You can sign up on that website , get a unique link, that you can spread among your family and friends, join a local team of volunteers or find a an event nearby.

Tools & Resources #thistimeimvoting

How to be a successful #thistimeimvoting volunteer? | Toolkit for volunteers with plenty of ideas to promote the European Parliament elections in 24 languages

This time I’m voting (youtube playlist) | Young voters explain why they will vote in the European elections in May 2019

Toolkit by European Parliament Download Centre | Pictures, posters, postcards, stickers for promotion of #thistimeimvoting on social media and elsewhere (as well in 24 languages).

Citizens’ App | Learn who does what in the EU, how all of this is relevant to your daily life and what challenges the EU faces. Available for Android and iOS


What Europe does for you

Information on various questions: How does Europe affect our everyday lives? How does it impact our jobs, our families, our health care, our hobbies, our journeys, our security, our consumer choices and our social rights? And how is Europe present in our towns, cities and regions?

EU and ME

Everyone has things that s/he is passionate about: from training to travelling, surfing the internet to saving the world. EU legislation and initiatives also can help unlock this potential, ignite inspiration and offer tools to pursue one’s own passion.

Impact on European policymaking

Have your say | How to get involved in European policymaking? There are several options,, e.g. the European Citizens’ Initiative, petitioning the European Parliament, public consultations or the Citizens’ Dialogues

The European Citizens’ Initiative | This initiative is an unique and innovative way for citizens to shape Europe by calling on the European Commission to make a legislative proposal. Once an initiative gathers 1 million signatures, the Commission decides on what follow-up action to take.

Consultation on the Future of Europe | Online consultation (a part of Citizens’ Dialogues)

Debating Europe | A platform where you can debate various issues and topics with European politicians and experts.

Pedagogical resources

European Citizenship by | Toolbox for trainings

European Union Teaching Resources by activecitizensfe | A collection of resources for teaching learners about the European Union and Brexit; including detailed lesson plans and activities as well as items that teachers can use in developing their own plans.

The lazy person’s guide to save the world by UN | This guide on substainable development could serve as an example on how simple activities for everyone can easily be applied in everyday life.

European Parliament 101

Last, but not least, some background information about the European Parliament might be helpful: history, power, procedures as well as current discussed topics and legislation procedures…

EU Parliament Challenge

Try out you knowledge on European Parliament

General information

European Parliament | Weekly agenda, news, live streams and members of EU Parliament

About Parliament | About Parliament provides information about the EU Parliament like powers and procedures, organisation and rules, democracy and human rights.

The European Parliament: The citizen’s voice in the European Union | A brochure made to prepare for EU Parliament visits. It reviews in brief the European Union’s main achievements and the roles of its institutions, describes the work, powers and structure of Parliament as well as its history and the European integration process in general. (PDF / eBook Download)

How It Works by European Parliament | This youtube playlist consists of short thematic videos explaining the structure and procedures of the European Parliament.

Frequently Asked Questions put to Parliament’s Spokesperson’s Department | Basic information about EU Parliament, how MEP’s work, etc.
(PDF Download)

European Parliamentary Research Service Blog | Research and analytical support to the Members of the European Parliament, its parliamentary committees and the European Parliament as a whole. Current topics and legislation process, graphs, maps and statistical information, etc.

European Parliament News

EP NewsHUB | Information from MEPs, political groups, the Parliament’s President and the EP news services in a single place.

Multimedia Centre of European Parliament | This site covers the latest news stories and live streamings from the European Parliament.

Current discussions in European Parliament

EU Legislation in Progress by European Parliamentary Research Service Blog | Information of legislation processes

Legislative Train | Schedule of legislation processes

Vote Watch Europe | This site is collecting, interpreting and communicating big data sets of political decisions to both expert and non-expert audiences.

Anything missing? Leave a link in the comment section!