Innovate Your Teaching in Higher Education | International Seminar

Innovate Your Teaching in Higher Education | Seminar
Images: Alex Iby, Daria Nepriakhina, Dlanor S., Stefan Stefancik via

More than 50 people from various higher educational institutions around Europe met from 26.11.-29.11.2018 in Łódź, Poland to exchange experience and good practises on innovative teaching methods in Higher Education. They shared experience and tools as well as worked on future project ideas for strategic partnership activities within the European Erasmus+ Programme.

In Higher Education there is a strong need for exchange of good practices and experiences in designing and implementing innovative teaching approaches. The seminar event took place in Łódź, Poland from 26.11.-29.11.2018. It provided opportunities for peer learning, creating synergies between different project teams and partnership projects funded by Erasmus+.

47 participants - 15 countries - 40 Erasmus+ partnership projects | #innovateyourteaching in #highereducation Share on X

The 47 participants of this seminar came from 15 countries and represented 40 higher educational institutions in Europe. They were beneficiaries of Strategic Partnerships projects in the field of Higher Education (from the calls 2014-2017) who are currently carrying out or have already completed projects concerning innovative teaching methods. Altogether 37 Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Projects were present at the seminar covering areas of eLearning, Gamification, Design Thinking (DT), Project Based Learning (PBL) and the use of Internet and Computer Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education.

Participants had the opportunity to share experience and good practise, learn from one another and create synergies in designing and implementing innovative teaching approaches. During the event they had also to chance to create new ideas for projects and build new partnerships.

Innovate Your Teaching: Highlights

The programme of Innovate Your Teaching included a mixture between expert presentations, short participant-driven presentations, sharing and group discussions and study visit elements. The seminar put them into the center and gave them the opportunity to share their experience and best practises, discuss benefits and challenges, find new ideas and inspiration for their partnership and even created new ideas and found new partners for future projects.

One highlight of the seminar was the Toolfair, which enabled the participants to present a tool, a prototype or a product of their partnership as a best practise experience of their Erasmus+ partnership project. In that way paricipants learned from one another and created first synergies.

The seminar included two study visit elements. We visited the Centre for Science and Technology EC1, the former electrical power plant, that was turned into an interactive museum of science and technology. The tour extended our knowledge about the functioning of EC1 and various other scientific concepts, but also gave us an unique insight on how these concepts are presented in an interesting and engaging educational way to the visitors.

The second visit was at the Lódź University of Technology, where we took part in a workshop on Design Thinking. Members of the strategic partnership project DiamonDT guided us working in small teams through the process of Design Thinking.

The Open Space gave participants the opportunity to discuss benefits and challenges of implementing innovative teaching methods in higher education as well as difficulties in carrying out transnational partnership projects.

The seminar ended with the opening of the Light . Move . Festival in Łódź.

Innovate Your Teaching: Resources and Links

Materials and resources have been provided on a interactive online board from padlet:

Made with Padlet
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Innovate Your Teaching in Higher Education | Seminar [Image: Alex Iby via]